Offensive Security Services - Red Teaming and Attack Simulations

We simulate real-world attacks on your organization's digital assets to test your defenses, identify vulnerabilities, and suggest improvements. Don't wait for a breach to secure your systems: proactive defense is your best strategy against cyber threats.

Understand what we do

What is Red Teaming?

It’s a form of ethical hacking aimed at simulating real-life attacks to test security posture.

White Hat vs. Black Hat

Our Red Team consists of ethical hackers simulating attacks, unlike Black Hat hackers that exploit vulnerabilities for malicious purposes.

Attack Simulations

We use realistic scenarios to identify weaknesses in your system and help you prepare for future attacks.


Why Offensive Security?

Stay Ahead of Evolving Threats. Traditional security measures alone are becoming increasingly insufficient to protect you from advanced cyber attacks.

Protect Your Reputation. A cyber attack can damage your brand reputation and result in financial losses, affecting your business in the long run.

Compliance regulations require regular security assessments to ensure data protection and privacy.

Prevention of Data Breaches
Compliance with Regulations
Competitive Advantage
Financial Savings
Learning and Improving
Trust and Reputation

Services &  strengths

R3DSIDE team assumes the role of a sophisticated adversary to provide a realistic assessment of your organization’s cyber resilience.

Simulate real-world attacks

We simulate real-world attacks on your organization’s digital assets to test your defenses, identify vulnerabilities, and suggest improvements.

Assess the robustness of your security

We replicate potential malicious activities to assess the robustness of your security infrastructure, find weaknesses, and recommend effective solutions.

Provide customized services

We understand that every organization is unique. Therefore, we provide customized services tailored to your specific needs and industry requirements.

The R3DSIDE Team process

The steps to simulate real-world attacks.


  • Setting Scope and Objectives
  • Legal and Ethical Boundaries
  • Securing Necessary Approvals


  • Targeted Thread Intelligence
  • Red Team Planning
  • Red Team Execution


  • Detailed Reporting
  • Actionable Recommendations
  • Follow-up Measures

Results are better when  people work together.

We are ethical hackers with extensive experience in conduction R3DSIDE Team Assessments.


Luis is an Information Security Analyst with exceptional Red Team competencies and a proven track record of securing organizations through offensive security measures. Luis holds several industry-recognized certifications, including the Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), Offensive Security Certified Expert (OSCE), and Offensive Security Wireless Professional (OSWP).


Paolo is an Information Security Engineer with a strong background in Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC), backed by certifications such as CISM, ISO 27001, and PCI DSS. Additionally, Paolo possesses experience in Red Team leading, audit and security assessment. His expertise ensures a comprehensive and proactive approach to securing an  organization’s digital assets.


Max is a Network Security Engineer, equipped with great networking expertise and certifications. He also hold Cloud Security capabilities backed by the AWS CLF-C01 certification. This consultant offers a unique blend of skills to fortify organization’s network infrastructure and secure all cloud-based resources effectively.


The R3DSIDE Team is composed by certified professionals in various security specialties.


Don’t wait for a breach to secure your systems.

Proactive defense is your best strategy against cyber threats. Contact R3DSIDE today and let’s protect your digital assets together.